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Friday, January 8, 2010

Mental Vomit ~SAVARDISM~

YAY for DDR! (Oops, I meant HUZZAH!*)
Today at school, we had an assembly during 1st period (which I hate missing because it's Art class, and I would really like to finish my painting of a hummingbird, wolf, and such.) on... THE DDR FUNDRAISER! Omigosh, I love DDR! I used to be absolutely obsessed with it, and would play it every day all day (aside from the time spent doing homework, eating, etc.). I mean I still love it, but I'm so out of practice, I'm really excited about this fundraiser because it's pretty motivational for continuing my obsession. Lol.
I honestly don't understand the fundraiser though! Basically, in order to raise money, we beg relatives and friends' parents for money so that we play DDR, but even without raising money, you're allowed to play DDR on the day that it replaces your Spanish or gym class. Hum, that is begging, isn't it?

Anyway, my boyfriend thinks that maybe we "are more like really good friends because we don't see each other outside of school these days". I mean that's true, but are "really good friends" thinking about kissing each other? Not that I know of. And anyway, he knows that we can't really go out much because of my parents' "no dating until 18 rule". (Yes, stupid I know.) But I hopefully changed it... Because yesterday I had a talk with my mom about changing the rule.

Basically it went:
Me: Hey Mom, uhmmm.... Can we uhhhh.... Talk?
Mother: Sure
Me: Uhmmm privately??
Mother: Uh huh.... OH WAIT! YOU MEAN SO THAT YOUR BROTHER CAN'T HEAR. Okay... *moves to room across from my brothers room* (not effective)
Me: I... Uhhh.... Can we change the no dating until 18 rule??
Mother: WHAT? O.O Uhmmm why?
Me: Because it's silly and it's my last year here (*** I'm moving soon***) and I'd rather live life fully and do everything I wanted to do, or I'll grow old and regret not doing some things.
Mother: Wait why are you asking this though?
Me: Uhm...
Mother: You do know that this rule is place because I don't want a boyfriend or anything distracting from schoolwork right?
Me: Uhmmm yeah but what if the guy, not saying that there is a guy, is more serious than me about schoolwork? Like seriously, what if he is a good influence?
Mother: .... Are we talking about someone in particular here?
Me: .... No.... Maybe...
Mother: Yes. Who?? Do I know him?? I'm assuming it's a him...... o.o
Me: *hides head* ... Michael...
Mother: HA I KNEW IT!!!! *jumps on bed in excitement*
Me: o.o So....
Mother: Well I'll think about it... But only group dates...
Me: But that's not fair to the people coming along. Just regular dates Mom, please? I mean, it's not like I'm going to do anything like.... O.O I WOULD NEVER OKAY.
Mother: Right well... I'll think about it.

Okay well that was basically it. I mean maybe some parts weren't exactly it, but that was essentially it. Though the conversation was much longer, and I even broke down in tears to try to convince her. (Horrible I know, but I really did cry, which somehow went toward my benefit.... Strange.)

I just really don't want to break up with my boyfriend because I'll probably become depressed, etc, etc.... THAT WILL HAPPEN BECAUSE I AM VERY EMOTIONALLY-RULED.

I'm a drama queen, thanks.

But anyway, onto a different topic, as I'm sure everyone doesn't wanna hear anymore about my boyfriend problems! (Those problems have been on my mind alot lately....)

HUZZAH!! ON MONDAY THERE IS A PARTNER MATH TEST! Apparently only TWICE in during the whole year, my math teacher lets us do a "partnered assessment". Aka we will be able to do a test with a partner, which I am excited about. Hopefully my partner won't slack off and be one of the idiots in my class that only got in because they cheated and what not. I WANNA RAISE MY MATH GRADE! =D

I. AM. MENTALLY. VOMITTING. (see: Savardism!) Lol! ;)


  1. Okay, that was pretty darn hilarious. Love the role play!!! LOL. The tears always work. I've pulled a couple strings with those... ;)

  2. Hahaha yeah I know right... xP

  3. Ah Lauren! How I love you! <3 You're hilarious!
